News 2008


29/12/2008 - We updated puppies page and added new page for our imported male Dolce Gabana Hunderwood.

Exclusive Export Bohemia Platina25/12/2008 - Big congratulation to Olga Bolesko to great successes at Ulan-Ude (Russia). On December 6 took place there Vserosijskaja show and female Exclusive Export Bohemia Platina (own. Olga Bolesko) won CAC, BOS, BOB, BIG 1 and BIS 4!!!!!

Robinson Bohemia PlatinaYoung male Robinson Bohemia Platina (own. Ingrid Dedkova) won junior class - Junior CAC, Junior BOB and Junior BIS – 3!!!

Congratulations and thanks for care devoted to our Robinson and other dogs out of our kennel.

14/12/2008 - Big congratulation to Karin Kyselova to obtaining Championship of Serbia and Montenegro with her female Olympic Game Bohemia Platina.

12/12/2008 - On December 6th, 2008 we went to Nowa Ruda in Poland where took place National Dogshow. Yorkshires were judged by Mr. Petr Rehanek (CZ).
This was this year's last dogshow for us and we spent it in company of Bohemia Platina yorkshires owners.

On picture you can see our team with your beautiful Yorkshires. In Nowa Ruda was with us friend of mine Mrs. Vera Kosarova (she made those pictures). She helped us with all our dogs and I thank her very much for this


Hunderwood Dolce GabbanaI showed there my young Hunderwood Dolce Gabana for the first time. He competed at junior class and although he is "teenager" and undisciplined little scamp at ring he beat other 8 dogs, won class and got Exc. 1, Junior Winner. Second place in this class took our kennel offspring Pepe Pedro Bohemia Platina (own. K. Brezinova).

XaXL Bohemia PlatinaAt open males class Iveta Lasotova showed her lovely XaXL Bohemia Platina - he got Excellent 2nd at competition of 5 dogs.

Then I entered champion males class with my ICH. Everest Bakarat. There competed 3 dogs. Everest won and in the end he became Best of Breed - BOB.

Everest Bakarat - CWC, NDPwR, BOB

Naomi Cambel Bohemia PlatinaAt intermediate female class represented our team Naomi Cambel Bohemia Platina owned by Jana Urbaczkova. Because Jana had to be at work Naomi was there with us without her. At really hard competition (13 females) she got Excellent 3rd.

Go With Time Bohemia PlatinaAt open females class competed two females - Go With Time Bohemia Platina (own. Daniela Hruzkova) - Excellent 4th and Face To Face Bohemia Platina (own. Marcela Podrazilova) - Excellent 2nd.

At champion females class showed new Interchampion April Fun Bohemia Platina owned by Jitka Ernestova. She got CWC and completed conditions for her next championship - Championship of Poland. In confrontation with victress of other female classes she won Best adult female of breed.

So to "BOB fight" entered Everest and April. ICH. Everest Bakarat is little bit older and more mature then two years old April so judge assigned BOB to Everest. In addition Everest won final competition for best dog of FCI group and became BIG!

Everest Bakarat - BIG

I want to thank all owners of our pupils for care and love they give them because it is more important than show victories. On the other side I congratulate to successes they achieved.
I hope we will meet next show season again.


6/12/2008 - Last November weekend 29-30 in Zagreb in Croatia were held two prominent international dogshows with Cruft Qualification and Mid and East European dogshow Zagreb Winner 2008. There was big competition of exhibitors from Hungary, Italy, Belgium, Russia and other countries.

After overnight driving snow-storm through Austria, then Slovenia along with heavy rain we got to Zagreb fairground. All our group you can see on picture. I'm really happy I have so much friends among dog breeders and owners :o)

First day was International Dogshow with CRUFT 2009 Qualification and yorkshires judged Mrs. Jean. M. Lanning from Great Britain..

ICH. Everest Bakarat – champions class (competed 6 dogs) CAC, CACIB, BOB and Crufts Qualification 2009.

Extra Bonus Bohemia Platina - open class - got her first CAC for Championship of Croatia.

Best pleasure had Jitka Ernestova - her CH. April Fun Bohemia Platina won champion class and got CAC, CACIB and BOS. April is first Jitka's yorkshire and this CACIB is her fifth CACIB and last needed for completed of INTERCHAMPION!! I congratulate very much only two years old April and her proud owner Jitka. April got Crufts 2009 Qualification too.

Everest Bakarat
Everest and
April Fun
April Fun
Bohemia Platina

Second day judged Mr. George Kostopoulos from Greece. I was very curious for results because I have no idea what kind of yorkshires are breeded in Greece.

ICH. Everest Bakarat got Excellent at competition of six males.

Judge was very strict and at some classes he even didn't give title or excellent ...

CH. April Fun Bohemia Platina won champions class and got her next CAC and then R. CACIB.

Extra Bonus Bohemia Platina got at open class CAC, CACIB, Zagreb Winner 2008, Victress of Middle and Eastern Europe!!!

Everest Bakarat
Extra Bonus Bohemia Platina
April Fun
Bohemia Platina
Extra Bonus and
April Fun -

1/12/2008 - we added some pictures of our World Winner ICH. Champion Lafit Bohemia Platina offspring which were born in far Russia.

San Salvador Bakarat24/11/2008 - We added page of our new kennel addition - male San Salvador Bakarat.

To offspring page were added new pictures of young female Zero Zona Bohemia Platina, sent by her owner Mrs. Kasia Oleksy from Poland.

18/11/2008 - International Dogshow in Prague (CZ), November 14-15, 2008.

Entry 64 yorkshires, judge for breed was Mr. Jakub Tvrdik (CZ).

Germanic Bakarat – open - Exc. 1, CAC.
CH. Dee Dee Bakarat – champions (competed 7 dogs) – Exc. 1, CAC, CACIB and BOB!!!
CH. Extra bonus Bohemia Platina – champions – Exc. 1, CAC.

Marcela Podrazilova's female Face To Face Bohemia Platina got at open class Exc. 2, R. CAC. Congratulation.

Germanic Bakarat
Germanic and
Dee Dee
Extra Bonus
Bohemia Platina
Dee Dee Bakarat

I must thank to my friends for help me with grooming and showing my dogs - to Jitka for preparing my dogs so, that they all won their classes. To Marcela for help me with driving car and to Michaela and her son Vojta for care about my jacks and taking pictures. And to Vera Kosarova, because she helped show my dogs at BOB competitions.

And of course I thank judge for his judgement and nice comments. I really appreciate his gently ingress to every dog because yorkshire is little dog and penetrative way of checking can be stressful for dog.


10/11/2008 - Puppies for sale section was updated also offspring pages. We are going to prepare websites for our new young hopefuls dogs - today meet females Alfa Omega, Celebrity Face and male Best One. All come from of our kennel.

4/11/2008 - On days of November 1st and 2nd, were held two dogshows on Slovakia - International and Terriers Club Show.

To this show I went with my friend Marcel Podrazilova and her female Face To Face Bohemia Platina "Becky". I didn't realize that this time Jitka Ernestova does not go there with us so I took 7 my dogs! Jitka shows even our jack russell terriers when it is needed and my dogs really love her. But this time she was little bit sick so she stayed at home. Because of that I really appreciated Marcela's help with my dogs and I very thank her for that.

First day was International Dogshow. Yorkshires judged Mr. Borsfai Csaba (H). He had for judge really much dogs. Before Yorkshires he judged 20 dachshunds and maybe it was reason why he almost didn't critize dogs at movement. I was pity because in movement frame and physique best excel.

Marcela took to ring Germanic Bakarat and Dee Dee Bakarat. Both got Excellent. In the meantime I showed my jack russell terriers and Terezka Subertova took my podenco and they won CAC, CACIB and BOB (her 14th in her young age). After that I and Marcela started show our females "Becky" Face To Face Bohemia Platina and Extra Bonus Bohemia Platina. Face To Face Bohemia Platina got Excellent 2, R. CAC and Extra Bonus won champion class and got her last needed CAC to be "Grandchampion SK".

Second day was held Terriers Club Show. Judge for yorkshires was Mrs. Monica Van Brempt from Belgium.

Over 100 yorkshires competed. Judge was really strict and rates as very good, good even satisfactory were not rarity. All our dogs obtained Excellent. Germanic Bakarat = Exc. 4, Dee Dee Bakarat = Exc. 3, Face To Face Bohemia Platina = Exc. 2, R. CAC and Extra Bonus Bohemia Platina = Exc. 2, R. CAC.

Big pleasure made me young 11 months old daughter of Dee Dee Bakarat. She is out of his first mating and her mother is our offspring Zeta Jones Bohemia Platina. This female -Daytona - very griped not only me but even judge of Club Shows. Mrs. Van Bremt gave her Excellent 2 (in competition of 30 females at class). I congratulate her owner Mrs. Kozolova. I'm pleased that Dee Dee came up to my expectations and proved that his pedigree is top indeed.

Germanic Bakarat
Dee Dee Bakarat
Face To Face Bohemia Platina
Daytona of Remus



27/10/2008 - On October 18-19, 2008 we showed our dogs at National Dogshow in Brno (CZ).

This time was there with us my little daughter Deniska and she was really excited. So many people and so many dogs ... she really enjoyed this day :o))

Deniska with BIS kerry blue terrier and hiw owner Zaneta

Yorkshires were judged by Mrs. Magdalena Svieton (PL).

Germanic Bakarat – open - Excellent.
CH. Dee Dee Bakarat – champions – Exc. 2, R. CAC.
CH. Extra Bonus Bohemia Platina – champions - Exc. 2, R. CAC.

Face to Face Bohemia PlatinaMy friend Marcela Podrazilova showed her female "Becky" Face To Face Bohemia Platina and they got Exc. 2, R. CAC.


Freny z BludowitzAt junior class, in competition of 17 females, took nice second place female Freny z Bludowitz, owned by our next friend Pavlina Capkova. She got Excellent 2nd. Freny is daughter of Sexy York Bohemia Platina and Everesta Bakarat. I congratulate very much Pavlina also Marcela.


Sugar Baby Bohemia PlatinaSugar Baby Bohemia PlatinaWe got excellent news from Poland where our offspring female Sugar Baby Bohemia Platina (own. Kasia Oleksy) won at National Dogshow Raciborz junior class and got he first Junior Winner title. Congratulations Kasia!

14/10/2008 - Eurodogshow Budapest (Hungary) - October 3 - 5, 2008

First of all I must thank my friend Jitka Ernestova. My BIG THANK belongs to her for helping me to manage it all.

Our team - I, Jitka and Marcela Podrazilova went to Budapest at Friday night.

First day - Friady October 3, 2008 was judged IIIrd FCI group - Terriers. Yorkshires entered over 200 so they competed at three showrings with three judges: puppy and junior classes - Petru Muntean (RO), adult females - Kenneth Edh (S) and adult males - Walter Jungblud (D).

Jitka with her young female Semtex Bohemia Platina got to top selection and got excellent appreciation at competition of 40 young females at class. Her adult female April Fun Bohemia Platina (showed by Marcela, because Jitka was in the same time in other ring with Semtex) got Excellent. At open females class (competed 23) competed Marcela her "Becky" Face To Face Bohemia and I with Extra Bonus Bohemia Platina. Both of them were chosen to narrow selection of six best females and got Excellent. Big pleasure made me our female ICH. Society Angel of Padawi's, which got at champion females class (21 females) Excellent 4.

Unfortunately at the same time as I showed my females adult dogs classes were judged. So with both my dogs - Dee Dee Bakarat and Everest Bakarat - helped me my friends Kasia Oleksy from Poland and Kinga Bodnar from Hungary. Girls, thank you both for help and obtaining nice judgements and Excellent rates.

Dee Dee Bakarat with Kasia Oleksy
first European Winner, second Dee Dee Bakarat
Extra Bonus Bohemia Platina
Marcela with Face To Face
Bohemia Platina
Everest Bakarat
Society Angel of Padawi's
my friend Eric Bernard with father of our Dolce Gabbana

Second day - October 4, 2008 was held Terriers European Club Show. Yorkshires judged Mrs. Kathy Delmar from Ireland.

Dee Dee Bakarat - open - Exc. 4.
ICH. Everest Bakarat - champions - Exc. 2, R. CAC. This class won male from Spain out of Estugo kennel. Lately this dog became Club Winner. At final competition got Everest Res. Club Winner 2008!
Extra Bonus Bohemia Platina - open - Exc. 2, R. CAC.
ICH. Society Angel of Padawi's - champions - Exc. 2, R. CAC, Res. Club Victress 2008.

Dee Dee Bakarat - Exc. 4
Extra Bonus Bohemia
Platina - Exc. 2, R. CAC
Society Angel of Padawi's
R. CAC, Res. Club Victress 2008
Everest Bakarat - Exc. 2, R. CAC, Res. Club Victress 2008

2/10/2008 - Weekend of September 27 and 28, 2008 we competed at two dogshows in Austria. In Tulln took place International Dogshow Bundessieger Tulln 2008 (Cruft's 2009 Qualification) and Terriers Club Show.

On Saturday was there with me Sylva Wzatkova, which showed her male Jamie Lacrima Aurea (son of our World Winner Champion Lafit Bohemia Platina "Piko"). At competiton of 7 males won junior class and completed conditions for Juniorchampion of Austria. On Sunday I took with me Jitka Ernestova with her female CH. April Fun Bohemia Platina, which won champions class and got CACA. I congratulate very much!!

Here are results of my dogs:

27/9/2008 - International Dogshow Tulln (A), judge Erwin Deutcher (A)

MCH. ICH. Everest Bakarat - champions class - R. CACA, R. CACIB (= CACA and CACIB behind Champion of Austria and Interchampion).
Extra Bonus Bohemia PlatinaCH. Extra Bonus Bohemia Platina - open class - CACA, CACIB, Bundessieger 2008 and Cruft's 2009 Qualification!!!! At this show Extra completed conditions for Interchampion!!!!!! It is just amazing because she achieved it in rekord-breaking time 12 months and 19 days (minimum is 12 months and one day). Moreover she is only 28 months old. I'm very proud of her and thank judge for judgement.

28/9/2008 - Terriers Club Show Tulln (A), judge MVDr. P. Seman (SK)

MCH. ICH. Everest Bakarat - champions class - CACA, BOB, R. BIG (judge M. Urosevic). He completed Champion of Austria.
CH. Extra Bonus Bohemia Platina - open - R. CACA
I also thank Mr. Seman for judgement of our dogs..

Extra Bonus Bohemia Platina
Everest Bakarat
April Fun Bohemia Platina
... our daughter Deniska with cups

30/9/2008 - On September 20th, 2008 we went to Slovenia where were held at Maribor two dogshows - International and Terriers Club Show. Me, Jitka Ernestova, Marcela Podrazilova and Sylva Wzatkova.

Judges very liked our Multichampion ICH. Everest Bakarat and he got all honours including BOB and Club Winner. Other members of our team were successful too.

International Dogshow 20/9/2008 Maribor (SLO), judge Martha Heine (D).

MCH. ICH. Everest Bakarat - champions class - CAC, CACIB, BOB = new Champion of Slovenia!!!!
Germanic Bakarat - open - CAC and R. CACIB behind Everest.
Marcela with "Becky" Face To Face Bohemia Platina - open - CAC, CACIB, BOS!!!
Jitka with CH. April Fun Bohemia Platina - champions - CAC and R. CACIB.

Becky, Everest and April
with judge
Everest Bakarat
Germanic Bakarat

Terriers Club Show Maribor (SLO) 20/9/2008, judge Lillian Lleton from Denmark.

MCH. ICH. Everest Bakarat - champions - CAC, Club Winner of Slovenia 2008, BOB.
Germanic Bakarat - open - CAC.
Marcela with "Becky" Face To Face Bohemia Platina - open - CAC.
Jitka with CH. April Fun Bohemia Platina - champions class - CAC, Club Victress of Slovenia 2008, BOS.

Sylva Wzatkova won with her male Jamie Lacrima Aurea (only 15 months old) 2x CAC. I congratulate her very much and I'm happy all the more because her male is son of our World Winner MCH. ICH. Champion Lafit Bohemia Platina.

Of course I congratulate to all my friends!!!!

Jamie Lacrima Aurea
Club Winners

19/9/2008 - We competed on two dogshows in Chorzow (Poland). On Saturday at Terriers Specialty and on Sunday there was National Dogshow.

13/9/2008 - Terriers Specialty was judged by Mrs. Monika Uhlikova from Slovakia. She was very thorough. She judged our yorkshires for the first time.

Germanic Bakarat - open class - Exc. 1, CWC, Best male in breed - he completed Championship of Poland!
Extra Bonus Bohemia Platina - open - Exc. 1, CWC, Best female in breed, BOB and BIS!!!!!

14/9/2008 - National Dogshow Chorzow - judge Mrs. Brigita Kremser (SLO).
Germanic Bakarat - open - Exc. 1, CWC.
Extra Bonus Bohemia Platina - open - Exc. 1, CWC.

Sugar Baby Bohemia PlatinaOur kennel offspring female Sugar Baby Bohemia Platina (own. Mrs. Kasia Oleksy - PL), which is only 11 months old, got at hard competition of 12 females at junior class Excellent 3rd. Congratulations!

Germanic Bakarat
Extra Bonus Bohemia Platina
our victorious duo

But not only in Poland competed our yorkshires. In Dolni Benesov (CZ) took place Regional show where competed two our offspring. Male Xaxl Bohemia Platina (own. Mrs. Yveta Lasotova, handler Mrs. Jitka Ernestova) - Excellent 1 and female Naomi Cambel Bohemia Platina (own. Mrs. Jana Urbaczková) won intermediate class and completed conditions for Club Juniorchampion!

On the other side of our country our friend Mrs. Marcela Podrazilova with female Face To Face Bohemia Platina won at Regional show in Rybniky. Face was handled by Marcela's six years old daughter Baruska. She showed Face just perfect and at final competition they got Regional Winner!

Baruska with Face To Face

I congratulate all of them and wish next successes with their dogs!

15/9/2008 - Here are show results of some our offspring:

Female Imperfect Idol Bohemia Platina (own: Glavina Jadranka), which is 20 months old got successes at those dogshows:

In Slovenia on August 30th - EXPO NAZIONALE TRBOVLJE - won CAC, BOB and on August 31st - EXPO TRBOVLJE - CAC, BOB, R. BOG!!! And at National dogshow in Pula (CRO) on September 7th she won CAC CAC!!

Imperfect Idol Bohemia Platina

International Dogshow in Luxembourg - female Treselle Bohemia Platina (own: Kasia Oleksy) got nice 4th place - Excellent 4th at competition of 10 beautiful champion females from all world.

Treselle Bohemia Platina

I congratulate both proud owners, wish them many next successes and thank them for perfect presentation of our kennel and love and care which they give our offspring.

Further we got nice pictures of next our offspring - male Uncle Ben Bohemia Platina (on pictures 8 months old). Thanks for send.

Uncle Ben Bohemia Platina

5/9/2008 - Weekend of August 30 - 31, 2008 was just wonderful :o) We were in Debrecen (HU) where took place two big International Dogshows.

It was "ladies'-party" - we were four ladies and many dogs :o)) - I, Jitka Ernestova, Danka Kohutova (golden retrievers and american cockers kennel Danako) and Michaela Havlinova, who was our "right hand" and helped us with our dogs. It is unbelievable that I and Jitka showed 10 dogs os three breeds - jack russells, yorkshires and podenco. And all of them won their classes and next we took three BOBs and R. BOG and BOG!

On Saturday August 30 Mrs. Kornelija Butrimova from Lithuania judged yorkhires:

Dee Dee Bakarat - open - Exc. 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB, R. BOG.
ICH. Everest Bakarat - champions - Exc. 1, CAC = new Champion of Hungary!!!!!
Extra Bonus Bohemia Platina - open - Exc. 1, CAC, R.ACIB

Females owned by Jitka Ernestova:
CH. April Fun Bohemia Platina - champions - Exc. 1, CAC.
Semtex Bohemia Platina - juniors - Exc. 1, CAJC

On Sunday judged Mr. José Vidal from Portugal:

Dee Dee Bakarat - open - Exc. 1, CAC, CACIB.
ICH. Everest Bakarat - champios - Exc. 1, CAC.
And biggest success had our two years old female Extra Bonus Bohemia Platina at open class - Exc. 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB. So she competed at final shows where she won IIIrd FCI group and got BOG. It is her second BOG in this year.
Jitka Ernestova showed her two females.
Semtex Bohemia Platina at junior class got Excellent 2, because she little bit "fashed". CH. April Fun Bohemia Platina at champions class - Exc. 1, CAC.

My big thanks belong to judges for such at high judgement of our dogs and organizer for nice show :-).

I, Dee Dee and Extra
Dee Dee and Everest
Dee Dee - R. BOG
April Fun
s rozhodčím Vidalem
E x t r a   B o n u s   B o h e m i a   P l a t i n a

24/8/2008 - Two international dogshows in Bratislava (SK) 16 - 17/8/2008:

First day were yorkshires judged by french judge Mr. Boris Chapiro. We showed only our juniors - all are only two years old and they competed with older matured champions. Though they got nice placements. Germanic Bakarat got at open class R. CAC and Dee Dee Bakarat at champions class was Excellent 3rd. Most liked was our young female Extra Bonus Bohemia Platina showed at champions class and won CAC and CACIB! It is her fifth CACIB. I hope she get her last CACIB needed for completing Intechampion!

Second day judged Mr. Robert Kanás from Slovakia. Germanic Bakarat at open class R. CAC again and Dee Dee Bakarat at champions class Excellent 3rd. Extra Bonus Bohemia Platina - champions class - CAC and R. CACIB.

I thank judges for tactful appreciation and pleasant spirit to dogs and exhibitors.

s rozhodčím B. Chapirem
G e r m a n i c    B a k a r a t
D e e   D e e   B a k a r a t
Extra Bonus
Bohemia Platina

8/8/2008 - New pictures added to page with puppies for sale.

23/7/2008 - Nice sunny weekend of July 12 - 13, 2008 we I spent with dogs and friends in Kosice (SK) - my native town. We go there yearly because of two days' dog shows - National and Terriers Specialty. This time was our Bohemia Platina Team really numerous - Marcela Podrazilova with Face to Face Bohemia Platina, Jitka Ernestova with her champion April Fun Bohemia Platina. From far Irkutsk came friend Olga Bolesko with her Interchampion Pablo Picasso Bohemia Platina …

Saturday 12/7/2008 - Terriers Specialty, entered 60 yorkshires, judged by Mr. Seman (SK).

Dee Dee Bakarat - open class - CAC, CC, Specialty Winner.
Marcela Podrazilová with her female Face To Face Bohemia Platina got at open class Exc. 1, CAC, CC.
Biggest success had female April Fun Bohemia Platina with Jitka Ernestova - champion class - CAC, CC, Specialty Winner and BOB!!!

After Saturday show we lodged at camp bungalows, fed dogs which were glad they have a rest. Most tired from far travel and heat was Pablo Picasso. He was so weary that walk with his long coat by grass was problematic for him. Judge like him, but Pablo didn't show himself as so he got "only" Excellent. Fed and satisfied dogs stayed in bungalows and we took a walk to historic centre of Kosice, where we visited my old favourite places. After good dinner we sit to sweetshop for italian ice cream. Evening we closed by playing fountain which is greatly illuminated and sitting there is very pleasant.
night fountain
our team :o))

Sunday 13/7/2008 - National Dogshow - yorkshires judged Mr. Bucko (SK).
Dee Dee Bakarat - CAC , Slovakia Winner, BOB!!! and R. BOG (judge Szabó Szándor - HU). Dee Dee Bakarat completed conditions for Slovak Champion!!
Face To Face Bohemia Platina (own. Marcela Podrazilova) - open class - Exc. 2.
Jitka with April this time Exc. 2nd, R. CAC.
Pablo Picasso Bohemia Platina (own. Olga Bolesko) - champions class - won and got CAC.

Pablo Picasso Bohemia Platina
Marcela and Face to Face
Jitka with April
Dee Dee
Dee Dee Bakarat
Dee Dee and
April fight
for BOB
Face to Face, Dee Dee, April Fun with Mr. Seman
I, Pablo and
Face to Face

I want and must thank Jitka Ernestova for help at final competitions, where she showed professionally my jack russell terrier Lancellot Bohemia Platina - see picture. My big thanks belong to Tereza Subertova - first-rate juniorhandler too. She helped us for both days with exhibition of our dogs and at National Show she competed with all my jack russels so successfully that all my jacks won!!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Next weekend, on Saturday of July 19, was held in Oberwart (A) International Dogshow. Yorkshires judged Mrs. Carole Garhöfer (A). I showed there only two my yorkies - Everest Bakarat and Extra Bonus Bohemia Platina. Both got R. CACA.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Hunderwood Dolce Gabbana

Meantime I was in Paris visit my good friend Eric Bernard (owner of famous kennel "Hunderwood"). From his kennel I brought my new nice boy - Hunderwood Dolce Gabbana. He is 6 months old and I wait for him long time. But I'm happy, he is here! His father is WW '08, MCH. ICH. Whirlwinds High Hopes. To Paris I took my female CH. Extra Bonus Bohemia Platina too to mate her with new World Winner 2008 and Multichampion Whirlwinds High Hopes - "Fritz". Extra Bonus is daughter of our World Winner 2006 MCH. Champion Lafit Bohemia Platina and I think I chose good husband for her :o) . We will see more after two months........

I want thank to Eric for her friendchip and for so nice boy. Thank You!

9/7/2008 - I had very hard week, which we spent in Sweden in Stockholm where took place World Dogshow. We traveled over 4000 kilometres, sailed over sea …. all of our team were 6 day astir, sleepy and nonrested. Show was really big, there competed many exhibitors from all world. More then hundred yorkshires entered this show. Dogs judged Mrs. Sporre Willes Renée from Sweden and females Mr. De Santiago Rafael from Puerto Rico.

Everest Bakarat competed at champions class - entered 24 males. He got into narrowest selection of six best males at class. As well our females Extra Bonus Bohemia Platina and April Fun Bohemia Platina (own. + hand. Jitka Ernestova) came right at open females class (entered 20 females). It is nice result for our dogs and I am glad that our dogs didn' t dishonour themselves on such a big show as this was.

Most successful was our ICH. MCH. Miss York Bakarat, which at champion females class (entered 18 females) was so close to highest place. She took second place aftes World Victress.

Unfortunately we were so busy with showing our dogs at two rings at one dash that we had not enough time to take more pictures. Look at some we made …

with Eric Bernard and World Winner 2008On one picture you can see new World Winner 2008 Whirlwinds High Hopes, handled by friend of mine Eric Bernard (kennel Hunderwood). Big congratulation to both :o)) His victory pleased us all the more, because we expect arrival of one of his beautiful offspring to our kennel very soon.

Let it be a surprise, we surely show him at our website as soon as we can.

M i s s   Y o r k    B a k a r a t
Miss York Bakarat with World Victress 2008
E v e r e s t     B a k a r a t

2/7/2008 - On July 28-29, 2008 took place in Krakow (PL) International Dogshow. Saturday we spent there with Radek and our friends Nina, Helena and their dogs (french bulldogs, affenpincher and shih-tzu). I had there my chihuahuas and podenco female Bunny. Radek showed there his young beautiful lhasa-apso female "Eli". She became Best puppy in breed.

On Sunday was our Bohemia Platina team complete - Jitka joined us. On the way to we had little trouble with polish police. We drove little bit faster, but they were very forbearing so we went unpunished only with warning to slow down.

To Krakow we arrived in time. Yorkshires were judged in two rings, because entered more than 90 dogs!! For females was judge Mrs. Lavinia Steer (ROM) and for males Mrs. M. Kozlowska (PL). Extra Bonus Bohemia Platina - got at open class Excellent 2. CH. Dee Dee Bakarat at champion class was Excellent 2 too.

Young - two years old Germanic Bakarat got BINGO :o). At open class in competition of 6 males he won and got CWC, then he got CACIB and Best Male In Breed. Contest for BOB judged Mrs. Lavinia Steer from Rumania and Germanic became Best Of Breed - BOB! And at Best in show competition australian judge pronounced our Germanic winner of third FCI group = BOG!!

Germanic is our third yorkshire which won FCI group - Everest, Extra Bonus and now Germanic. I'm very glad and proud that judges like our yorkshires .

I thank Radek for help with such a exacting weekend.

Extra Bonus
Bohemia Platina
D e e    D e e    B a k a r a t
G e r m a n i c     B a k a r a t

29/6/2008 - New pictures added to puppies page - litters Y and X.


10/6/2008 - On weekend of June 6 - 8, 2008 took place two dogshows in Slovakia. First was National Dogshow in Senec on Friday and Saturday and Sunday belonged to International Dogshow in Nitra. It was anniversary dogshow - slovak cynology celebrated 25 years of international dogshows helding so on this shows so there was bestowed prestigious title Grand Prix Slovakia 2008. Both shows were judged by reputable judges with which we had "premiere" so we looked forward with suspension how they will like our yorkshires.

On Friday morning we went to Senec. I, Jitka and Radka Kubankova (which is not loyal for yorkshires and "went mad" to dachshund, but she is still welcome in our team) met right in fairground with Radem Blazo. Show was held outside and weather stood nice all day. In the shadow of big tree we made our camp.

Yorkshires were judged by Mr. Jaroslav Matyas. Here are our results:
Dee Dee Bakarat - open males class - CAC
CH. Everest Bakarat - champion males class - CAC, BOB, BOG, R. BIS
Extra Bonus Bohemia Platina - open females class - CAC
and Jitka's female April Fun Bohemia Platina - CAC. With this CAC she completed Champion of Slovakia.

In the end of this show Everest competed in Best in Show competition and he took second place and become R. BIS of the show!

Freehandling of Everest
Everest - BOG competition
Everest - BOG
Everest Bakarat - R. BIS
one of won trophies
Radek helped us with prizes
our dogs playtime
our camp in Senec

In the evening we decided to stay in camp and spend there night in tents. Next day at half past three at the morning we were woken by Radka´s shout "Help, thief!" We ran out of tent and saw Radka stands by opened car and thief runing so quick that nobody could not catch him. We did call police and started to find damage. Fortunately that thief was so much "fair" and took only cash. Our documents, pedigrees etc. he left cluttered around car. Radio and GPS navigation he didn´t take because was disturbed by Radka.

Here are results of our dogs:
Dee Dee Bakarat was Excellent 3rd at open class. In this category was very hard competition and Dee Dee is still young and still grows in. I was satisfied because he present himself very nice and got faultless judgement.

Champions class I entered with Everest Bakarat. At competition of 4 other males he fought victory and got CAC. I was very happy because by this CAC he became Grandchampion of Slovakia! But it was not end of our big day. Later he got CACIB and completed conditions for INTERCHAMPION!!!! Further he became Grand Prix Slovakia 2008 Winner.

Then I showed my young hope Extra Bonus Bohemia Platina and we won open class, got CAC and in final fight of females for CACIB he got it! She got Grand Prix Slovakia 2008 Winner as well as Everest. So two my dogs joined in competition for BOB. In the end BOB obtained Everest and Extra became BOS.

Everest Bakarat at champions class
Extra Bonus & Everest
Extra Bonus

4/6/2008 - Puppies page updated. We didn't sleep few nights at all. It's fortunate that our females are proven mothers and all of births were without any problems and natural way. We are very proud on it because yorkshire terrier is first and foremost TERRIER and I want to keep his nature and health, because health is for me no less important besides exterior and character.

We will add pictures of puppiesas they will grow. Come back to our website.

3/6/2008 - On May 31 I and Jitka with our dogs went to Hrusica in Slovenia where took place National Dogshow. It is 800 kilometres long way so we left our homes already at eleven p. m. to be there in time. Weather was very nice, sun was shining and show was successful for us .... Yorkshires were judged by Mr. Boris Baic (SLO) - strange judge for us again.

Germanic Bakarat - open class - CAC.

Dee Dee Bakarat - was showed at champions class (even he is still young but he had to bent aside our Germanic from class). He got R. CAC after nice male of italian owners.

Biggest pleasure made me our female Extra Bonus Bohemia Platina, which won at open class CAC and then she got BOB!! At final competitions she won all IIIrd FCI group and got BOG!!!! It is her third victory at this year so for Slovenian Championship she need only one CAC, but she must wait for it to next year. I'm very happy and thank to judge for appreciation of our dogs. My si opět můžeme udělat "zářez", že naši psi obstáli u dalšího rozhodčího a potvrdili, že to není pouze náhoda, že vyhrávají. A to mě těší nejvíce.

Jitka and her two Bohemia Platina girls April Fun and Semtex. Made very nice results too. April Fun won her third slovenian CAC at champions class. Little Semtex was showed still at puppy class and won first place - Very promising 1st.

Extra Bonus Bohemia Platina
Dee Dee Bakarat

28/5/2008 - This special piece of marble stone is now placed in front of our house to assure all our visitors that they are in the right place :o)) I got it as my birthday present from my best friends Jitka and Radek!!! On picture my little daughter Deniska poses with this stone.

26/5/2008 - On May 24, 2008 International Dogshow took place in Litomerice (CZ). Yorkshires were judged by Mr. Leos Jacik (CZ).

Germanic Bakarat - intermediate - CAC, R. CACIB
CH. Everest Bakarat - champions - CAC

23/5/2008 - 18/5/2008 - Internationa Dogshow Bratislava (SK) - judge Mr. Branislav Rajic (SLO). Mr. Rajic was judging us for the first time. We thank him a lot for his judgements and nice comments about our dogs. I am very happy and proud that our dogs recieved very nice results and our young Extra Bonus Bohemia Platina, our young breeding, got the high title. First she won the intermedite class and after being compared with the older females, she also won in the CACIB competition. In the end Extra Bonus Bohemia Platina finished with CAC, CACIB and BOS.

Here are results of our dogs:
Germanic Bakarat - intermediate - R. CAC
Dee Dee Bakarat - open - R. CAC
CH. Everest Bakarat - champions - R. CAC
Extra Bonus Bohemia Platina - intermediate - CAC, CACIB, BOS!!! :o)
Germanic Bakarat
Everest Bakarat
Dee Dee Bakarat
Extra Bonus Bohemia Platina

We got news from owner of one our offsprint - male Xaxl Bohemia Platina (owner Mrs. Lasotova). He won Reional dog show Zlin (CZ) 2008 and became Regional winner! Big congratulation!
Xaxl Bohemia Platina

14/5/2008 - On May 10, 2008 we made a trip to near Hlucin where took place Regional Dogshow, but only like viewers. We met there many our friends and some of our kennel offspring.

Pepe Pedro Bohemia Platina (own. Brezina family) - youngest at junior males class - took second place and got Excellent 2nd..

At junior females class competed Naomi Cambel Bohemia Platina and Mrs. Jana Urbaczkova. In hard competition they got Excellent 3rd.

This class won female which was not born in our kennel though, but her mother and grandmother comes out of Bohemia Platina kennel. Her father is our CH. Everest Bakarat. Name of this female is Freny z Bludowitz (Sexy York Bohemia Platina X CH. Everet Bakarat) own.. Mrs. Capkova. We are proud because she belongs to our Bohemia Platina family too :-)

At open males class got Xaxl Bohemia Platina with Iveta Lasotova Excellent 2nd and mistake-free judgement.

I want to congratulate to all owners and thanks them for care and time they give their dogs.
Pepe Pedro
Bohemia Platina
Bohemia Platina
Naomi Cambel
Bohemia Platina
Freny z Bludowitz

7/5/2008 - On May 4, 2008 we were in Slovakia in city Banska Bystrica where took place National Dogshow. I was there only with Jitka Ernestova, because our friend Radek Blato was ii that time in Ameriva for his new "treasure".

Yorkshires were judged by Mrs. Swieton from Poland. I competed with only three yorkshires:
Germanic Bakarat - intermediate - R. CAC
Extra Bonus Bohemia Platina - intermediate - R. CAC
ICH. MCH. Miss York Bakarat - champions - CAC

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Congratulations to Mrs. Glavina Jadranka to big success in croatian Zadar where was on May 4th, 2008 held International Dogshow. Her female, our kennel progeny Imperfect Idol Bohemia Platina won there CAC and R. CACIB (in the age of 17 months).

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Our friend Radek Blazo has new addition! He brought from USA young beautiful girl - lhasa apso female from most famous kennel Orlane's. I wish him and his "Ally" good luck and most starry show career ;o)!

30/4/2008 - April 27, 2008 we spent in Luxemburg where took place Special Terrier show. It is only one Terriers Specialty in Luxemburg held by Terriers Breededs Club. Yorkshires were judged by Mrs. Kathy Delmar from Ireland. We came back to home as late as Monday, tired but happy because of successes of our dogs....

CH. Everest Bakarat and MCH. ICH. Miss York Bakarat, both showed at champions classes, they both got CACL. Miss York completed Championship of Luxemburg!!!

Young female Extra Bonus Bohemia Platina took at intermediate class second place and got R. CACL. Male Dee Dee Bakarat competed at open class and got R. CACL too. This time we left our camera at home so here are some pictures made by our friends.
Extra Bonus  Bohemia Platina Dee Dee Bakarat Everest Bakarat

24/4/2008 - We offer for sale puppy male Veto Bohemia Platina, born 24/12/2007. Father is our Germanic Bakarat, mother is Daisy Oradea.

17/4/2008 - In face of weekend 12 - 13/4/2008 we traditionally prepared for National Dogshow in Ostrava (CZ) Already on Friday came to us Radek Blazo from Slovakia and Marcela Podrazilova from Predmerice nad Labem. Jitka Ernestova took care about our friends Iveta and Jana, owners of "Bohemia Platina" yorkshires XaXL and Naomi Cambel Bohemia Platina. Together we bathed and prepared 9 yorkshire terriers and 4 jack russells terriers. Iveta and Jana could see how rightly bath and groom dogs for show. You can believe that only get off papers, bath and and blow-dry nine yorkshires is pretty exacting. I will not do it myself without assistance of Radek, Marcela and Jitka, because in the meantime our little princess Deniska demanded my attention. Many thanks to all for help and willingness.

On Saturday morning we arrived to fairground already at seven o'clock to prepare for show 9 yorkshire terriers and 4 jack russell terriers. Because there were with us Jana and Iveta our Dog Show Team was this time numerous group :o) Later joined us our friend of other breeds so we made little picnic.

Becauce this dog show is "at home" I rate it as exhibition of our dogs to show them to people from from our neighbourhood. Though Mrs. judge put us out of humour when she gave very good evaluation in one class to dog, which didn't hold up his tail and didn't want nicely walk, so in other vlase she evaluated the same exhibition of dog winning title. But because decision of judge is decision of judge and nobody can't change it we had to respect it. For us was most important, that only and biggest applause round yorkshires ring got our Everest Bakarat, which won champions class. Thereby I want to express thanks to all, who show their emotions as well as their opinion. I really appreciate it because this is for to me major award than if I took National Winter title. Once again thank you all!

This show entered almost 3000 dogs. Yorkshires were 59, judged by Mrs. Bozena Kowalska-Malitka from Poland.

Germanic Bakarat - intermediate - R. CAC
Dee Dee Bakarat - open class - Excellent 4th.
CH. Everest Bakarat - champions class - CAC
Extra Bonus Bohemia Platina (already showed at open class because we didn't want to compete with Marcela at intermediate class :o)) - R. CAC

More pleasure made me Marcela with "Becky", because they weren't with us at show for a long time. Face To Face Bohemia Platina - intermediate class - CAC.

Naturally, April Fun Bohemia Platina and Jitka made me pleased me too - at champions class they won their third czech CAC!!!

Iveta with XaXl Bohemia Platina also Jana with Naomi Cambel Bohemia Platina got Excellent.

Much and much to all congratulations and thanks for as pretty presentation of our dogs and offspring. Though is truth, that far important is that they love their dogs and affort them life like champions :o) namely regardless of number of won shows.
ostrava 08
Extra Bonus with Jitka  
E x t r a   B o n u s   B o h e m i a   P l a t i n a
o n l y   t w o   y e a r s  o l d    D e e   D e e   B a k a r a t
Everest  and his incredible freehandling Everest - champions class winner Everest - champions class winner Everest in motion
Germanic Bakarat
CAC male right
Germanic Bakarat
CAC male left
E v e r e s t   B a k a r a t   -  champions class
3 best females competed for National Winner junior males class
Face To Face Bohemia Platina
left Face to Face B. P.
right April Fun B. P.
April Fun and
Face to Face
first left Pepe
Pedro B. P.
Naomi Cambel
Bohemia Platina
XaXL Bohemia Platina

Because fairground is short distance from our home and weather was very nice we took our little daughter Deniska to "show" her closing competitions. She was really excited out of all that events :o). After BIS final we made her picture with BIS dog - beautiful newfoundland from Slovakia. See yourself that she was not afraid at all even big dog like him :o)

Hunderwood Bodyguard10/4/2008 - Our "Frenchman" Hunderwood Bodyguard "Kevin" celebrated 2 years of age in February. See his actuall photos ...

9/4/2008 - On March 29, 2008 in Luxemburg took place International Dogshow. Luxmeburg is very nice country and I go there always with pleasure. As usual competition was very hard at this show. There competed something about 50 yorkshires from all world - Russia, France, Italy, Spain, Hungary, Germany ... Judge was Mrs. Maria Kalo from Hungary. In this hard competition our Dee Dee Bakarat got in open class (6 males) R. CACL and CH. Everest Bakarat at champions class (4 males) R. CACL too.
In Luxemburg  with friend Olga Bolesko with Olga Bolesko and Anna Babajeva, owner of  famous kennel Mini Shop  from Russia

Next weekend was even more successful!

Our "Dog show Bohemia Platina team" went to hungarian Nagylengyel where was held National Dogshow. For the trip joined us our friend Petra Subertova with her daughter Tereza which is very successful and smart Juniorhandler. This time she won Juniorhandling again and helped us with BOB competition.

At last minute we found out that all show will be outside. We were scared but after our arrival to fairground was nice sunny weather. Yorkshires were judged by Mr. Szabó Szándor (HU), so judge with whom we met first time in show rings.

Intermediate males class Germanic Bakarat - Excellent 1, CAC! Open males class Dee Dee Bakarat - Excellent 1, CAC and champions males class CH. Everest Bakarat - Excellent 1, CAC!!

At females class Extra Bonus Bohemia Platina got R. CAC at intermediate class. April Fun Bohemia Platina with Jitka won CAC too. CH. Miss York Bakarat at champions class - Excellent 1, CAC.

So BOB competition entered 4 our dogs! Judge had long decision making between Miss York and Everest. Finally Best Of Breed BOB became CH. Everest Bakarat. At final competition he won all 3rd FCI group and became best terrier of the show BIG!!!!
Germanic Bakarat - CAC Dee Dee Bakarat Tereza and Everest with Radek Tereza Subertova with Dee Dee Bakarat Radek with Everest Bakarat - CAC Jitka with April Jitka with April and I with Miss York Tereza Subertova -  Juniorhandling Winner BOB  competition
our dogs compete for BOB Miss York Bakarat and Everest Bakarat compete for BOB Everest Bakarat - BIG deserved  relaxation Jitka, I, judge, Tereza and Radek our superteam

Thanks to judge for his decisions and Radek and Jitka of course for help with grooming and showing my dogs.

23/3/2008 - International Dog Show in Prague (CZ) 22/3/2008. I took there only three yorkshires. Jitka was there with her female April Fun Bohemia Platina.

Yorkshires were judged by Katalin Radwanszky (HU). Female April Fun Bohemia Platina (own. Jitka Ernestova) won champions class and got her second CAC from international Show in Czech rep.

Second CAC got our male Dee Dee Bakarat at open class.Germanic Bakarat and female Extra Bonus Bohemia Platina got Excellent 3rd. Judge probably prefered little bit bigger dogs, because Germanic is small and Extra Bonus is not big female too. But both got very nice judgements.
Germanic Bakarat Dee Dee Bakarat Extra Bonus Bohemia Platina
April Fun Bohemia Platina April Fun Bohemia Platina
See yourself how is female April Fun Bohemia Platina nice in her two years of age. I'm very proud of her and thank Jitka for perfect care of her.

19/3/2008 - On Friday 14 March morning we went to far Lithuania where took place two international and one terriers club show. We took there 10 our yorkshires, two jack russell terriers to show. Moreover one jack female we took to her new owners in Vilnius and our friends from Finland asked us to bring to Vilnius their new "little" bloodhound female puppy from Poland.

Here are results of our dogs:

15/3/2008 - International Show Vilnius, judge Collette Muldoon (Ireland)

Germanic Bakarat - intermed. - R. CAC LT
Dee Dee Bakarat - open - Exc. 3.
Everest Bakarat - champions - Exc. 3.
Charming Charlotte Bohemia Platina - juniors - Exc. 2
Extra Bonus Bohemia Platina - Exc. 1, CAC LT
ICH. MCH. Society Angel of Padawi's - R. CAC LT
April Fun Bohemia Platina owned by my friend Jitka Ernestova - open - R. CAC LT

15/3/2008 Terriers Club Show Lithuiania 2008, judge Valentina Ivanisceva (Russia)

Germanic Bakarat - intermed. - Exc. 1, LT CAC
Dee Dee Bakarat - open - Exc. 1, LT CAC
Everest Bakarat - champions - Exc. 3
Charming Charlotte Bohemia Platina - juniors - Exc. 3
Extra Bonus Bohemia Platina - Exc. 1, LT CAC, R. CACIB
ICH. MCH. Society Angel of Padawi's - Exc. 1, LT CAC, Lithuania 2008 Club Winner, BOB, R. BIS! Champion of Lithuania completed!!
Society Angel - Club Winner, BOB, R. BIS

April Fun Bohemia Platina of Jitka Ernestova competed at open class - R. LT CAC and her little Semtex Bohemia Platina won Best Puppy!!! Congratulation!!

16/3/2008 International Show Vilnius, judge Katalin Radwánszky (Hungary)

Germanic Bakarat - intermed. - Exc. 2, R. LT CAC = LT CAC
Dee Dee Bakarat - open - Exc. 1, LT CAC, R. CACIB
Everest Bakarat - champions - Exc. 1, LT CAC. Champion of Lithuania completed!!!!
Charming Charlotte Bohemia Platina - juniors - Exc. 1, LT CAJC, Junior Winner
Extra Bonus Bohemia Platina - Exc. 2, R. LT CAC
ICH. MCH. Society Angel of Padawi's - Exc. 1, LT CAC, CACIB, BOS, Show Winner
April Fun Bohemia Platina - open - Exc. 3.
Society Angel - CACIB Society Angel of Padawi's Society Angel of Padawi's Germanic Bakarat Dee Dee Bakarat - R. CACIB Dee Dee Bakarat Dee Dee Bakarat
Everest Bakarat Everest Bakarat Everest Bakarat Charming Charlotte Bohemia Platina - CAJC Extra Bonus Bohemia Platina - CAJC April with Jitka and her competitors

In the end I must thank Jitka and Radek for their big help and friend of mine Ruta living in Vilnius for hotel reservation :o))

17/3/2008 - We introduce you puppies sired by Everest Bakarat, born in kennel owned by our friend. Mother of puppies is Yoda Bohemia Platina (daughter of our Piko). Puppies you can see at Everest's offspring page.

10/3/2008 - Owners of our puppies send us their pictures from time to time. Now we bring some of them: females Naomi Cambel, Reklama Rax and males Pepe Pedro, XiXao and his brother XaXl. Further we added pictures of male Jamie Lacrima Aurea - son of our World Winner Champion Lafit Bohemia Platina.

28/2/2008 - My interview for Yorky Club Magazine published in November number.

25/2/2008 - Congratulations to female Treselle Bohemia Platina and her owner and friend of mine Kasia Oleksy to completion of Championship of Poland at International show in Rzesow (PL).

19/2/2008 - In the weekend of February 16 - 17, 2008 we decided to go to far-away Bulgaria. In Sofia took place two international dogshows. We ran over 3000 kilometres. There was very cold weather, more than -10°C and cold gym was not very comfortable. We brought many championships and BOG too! We took there jack russell terriers, chihuahuas and yorkshires of course - 12 dogs! Our team was I, Jitka Ernestova and Radek Blazo. Prepare and show so many dogs was very exhausting. Radek showed chihuahuas and some jack russell terriers and yorkshires. Jitka showed also chihuahua this time and one day she showed our yorkshire female Charming Charlotte Bohemia Platina. Next day showed her Radek. I was nice suprised that young Charlotte had no problems with showing by another people. She won, worst french female and got CAC!
At open class April Fun Bohemia Platina (owned and handled by Jitka Ernestova) - CAC and R. CACIB after Interchampion so, she got CACIB (4th from third country!).
Young Dee Dee Bakarat became Champion of Bulgaria.
This time I took "on a trip" our "Piko" - Champion Lafit Bohemia Platina - which added to his collection of championships next - Champion of Bulgaria!
Little Texi - Semtex Bohemia Platina (own. Jitka Ernestova) became best yorkshire puppy and at final competitions got R. BIS Puppy! Congratulations!

I must thank you, Radek and Jitka for their big help, friendship and patience which they have with me. It is wonderful to have really friend around! It was very backbreaking weekend I did not manage it without you!

11/2/2008 - International Dogshow in Brno (CZ), February 9, 2008. Judged by Mrs. Bozena Ovesna. 60 yorkshires entry.

Here are our results:

Germanic Bakarat - intermediate - Excellent.
Dee Dee Bakarat - open class (though he could be showed in intermediate class) - Excellent.
Extra Bonus Bohemia Platina - open class (because we didn't want to compete with beautiful Face To Face Bohemia Platina of our friend Mrs. Marcela Podrazilova) - Exc. 2, R. CAC and at final fight she beat champions class winner and got R. CACIB!!!
Extra Bonus in competition of adult females Extra Bonus in competition of adult females

Face To Face Bohemia Platina - intermediate - Exc. 2, R. CAC.
Face To Face Bohemia Platina

April Fun Bohemia Platina was already presented in champions class and got Exc. 2, R. CAC. Because winning female is already Czech Champion so April automatically got CAC.

Jitka took to Brno little Texi too - Semtex Bohemia Platina, but she didn't repeat her success from Trencin. She stubbornly sat on carpet and decided that this time she will not walk. Mrs. judge liked very much her and so she gave Texi new chance to run but Texi did not move :o)). For her headstrongness she got very promising 3 in puppy class.

Sugar Baby Bohemia PlatinaLord Mayor Bohemia Platina4/2/2008 - Owners of our offspring send us pictures of their pets. Last time we got photos of 4 months old female Sugar Baby Bohemia Platina and 10 months old male Lord Mayor Bohemia Platina. We thank for picture very much.

Pepe Pedro Bohemia Platina31/1/2008 - We are very happy because of ouf offspring male Pepe Pedro Bohemia Platina. He started his show career very successfuly. First time he won puppy class (7 males) on National Show in Olomouc (CZ) on January 11, 2008 and second time he won puppy class on International Show in Trencin (SK).

We send big congratulations to his proud owners - family Brezina and wish many successes in the future. :o)

29/1/2008 - International Dog Show in Trencin (SK) - January 27, 2008. 54 yorkshires were judged by Mr. Kubala (SK).

Female Semtex Bohemia Platina (own. Mrs. Ernestova) - puppy class - very promising 1st.
Male Pepe Pedro Bohemia Platina (own. Mrs. Brezinova) - junior class - very promising 1st (competed 6 males).
Female Fair Sex Bohemia Platina (own. Mrs. Sediva) - intermediate - Excellent 4.
Female April Fun Bohemina Platina (own. Mrs. Ernestová) - Excellent 4.
Semtex Bohemia Platina Semtex Bohemia Platina
Big congratulations to their owners!!!!

Our dogs:
Male Dee Dee Bakarat - intermediate - Exc. 1, CAC, CACIB, BOS!!
Dee Dee Bakarat Dee Dee Bakarat Dee Dee Bakarat

Everest BakaratMCH. Everest Bakarat (handled by Radek Blazo) - champions class - R. CAC.

Female Extra Bonus Bohemia Platina - intermediate - R. CAC.
MCH. Society Angel Of Padawi's - champions class (4 females) - Exc. 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB!!!!
Extra Bonus Bohemia Platina Extra Bonus Bohemia Platina Society Angel of Padawi's Society Angel of Padawi's

In final competitions we took 2nd Best couple of dogs and Angel got into "short list" for BIG.
Society Angel of Padawi's and Dee Dee Bakarat 2nd Best couple BIG competition

I want to thank judge for awarding our dogs and all our fans :o))

22/1/2008 - On Friday 18/1/2008 evening went our "Bohemia Platina Dog Show Team" (I, Jitka Ernestova and Radekm Blazo) to Germany. In Nurnberg took place International Dog Show. Yorkshires were judged by Mr. Armin Kriechbaumer (D).

Our MCH. Everest Bakarat got in champions class Excellent 2, Res. Anw. Dt. Ch. VDH, R. CAC.
Everest Bakarat Everest Bakarat Everest Bakarat Everest Bakarat Everest Bakarat

Our females won all classes - intermediate, open and champions too!!!

Extra Bonus Bohemia Platina - intermediate - Exc. 1, Anw. Dt. Ch. VDH, R. CAC.
CH. April Fun Bohemia Platina (own. Jitka Ernestova) - open - Exc. 1, Anw. Dt. CH. VDH, CAC, CACIB, BOS!
MCH. Miss York Bakarat - champions - Exc. 1, Anw. Dt. CH. VDH, CAC a R. CACIB.
Extra Bonus Bohemia Platina Extra Bonus Bohemia Platina Extra Bonus Bohemia Platina ICH. MCH. Miss York Bakarat ICH. MCH. Miss York Bakarat ICH. MCH. Miss York Bakarat ICH. MCH. April Fun Bohemia Platina ICH. MCH. April Fun Bohemia Platina

Radek and Jitka, thank you for help and congratulate for April! See you in Trencin (SK).

16/1/2008 - We competed in two international shows in Slovenia. First was on Saturday January 12, 2008 in Ljubljana, judged by Mr. Ron Menaker from USA. There competed 40 yorkshires from Russia, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Switzerland, Slovenia, Hungary and Croatia.
Our dogs results:
Dee Dee Bakarat - intermediate - Exc. 1, CAC.
CH. Everest Bakarat (showed by Radek Blazo) - champions class - Exc. 1, CAC and CACIB!!!
Female Extra Bonus Bohemia Platina, - intermediate - Exc. 1, CAC and R. CACIB.
In open class competed my friend Jitka Ernestova with female April Fun Bohemia Platina and they won their second slovenian CAC. V šampionech jsme předvedli naši Interšampionku
Our female MCH. Society Angel of Padawi's - champions - R. CAC.
Everest Bakarat - CAC, CACIB Everest Bakarat - CAC, CACIB Dee Dee Bakarat - CAC Dee Dee Bakarat - CAC Dee Dee Bakarat - CAC Dee Dee Bakarat a Society Angel of Padawi's

After show we moved to hotel. Read what happened to us there. On Sunday morning at five o'clock I and Jitka woke and went with our dogs out of hotel to walk them. There was heavy rain but my dogs had to walk. BUT .... we forgot chip card from hotel and reception was empty. Jitka asked me if I took my cell phone .... of course I didn't! We were outside hotel with all our dogs and couldn't get in. So we ran around hotel and looked for some window with light and hoped that Radek will hear us and open hotel. After fiveteen minutes we had success and Radek came rescue us. But our dogs after this "walk" looked just horrible :o) and we had only few hours to next show!! So we had to vacuum them ...

Second day- International Dogshows Tromostovje 13/1/2008 - judge Mr. Bojan Matakovic (CRO).

This time I showed Germanic Bakarat (Dee Dee was not registered because they should competed in the same class) - R. CAC after nice italian male.
Extra Bonus Bohemia Platina - again CAC.
Jitka with April Fun Bohemia Platina - R. CAC.
MCH. Society Angel of Padawi's - again R. CAC.
CH. Everest Bakarat - CAC, CACIB and BOB!!! In final Best In Show competition he got into five best dogs of IIIrd FCI group. Most very pleased me when after final fight applauded me and Everest competitors from Russia and congratulated me italian breeders.
boj o CACIB boj o BOB Everest Bakarat - CAC, CACIB, BOB Everest Bakarat - boj o BIS

Radek and Jitka, thank you for your uncoverable help!!

3/1/2008 - The year of 2007 ended and we slowly start with preparing for next show season. Second January weekend we are going to show our dogs in Ljubljana (SLO).

But now we have a good time with our friends and of course our daughter Denisa. One day we spent in bowling centre. See pictures ...

Deniska had her first Christmas and got many toys and presents ...

Our next present was Christmas puppies:
We have three litters out of Germanic Bakarat!!! More info and pictures see on Puppies section.