
Shows 2011

July 21 - 24, 2011 – 4 summer dogshows Split (CRO)

After returning from Paris, we were at home only three days and we went to Split in Croatia. This time we changed car crew - Lenka tool her two sons and Misa went with her son Vojta.

In Split, we had an big apartment with three bedrooms, living room, dining, two bathrooms and a fully equipped kitchen including dishwasher and washing machine. Two balconies were perfect for dogs, we have changed according to how the sun revolved to have a shadow. Just complete comfort in the heart of Split. To the center it was five minutes of walk, we went to another beach every time. Beautiful holiday. After five days od sunny weather suddenly began to rain. A huge thunderstorm and hail with groats of the size of ping-pong balls scared us. How do we show our dogs in the evening? It was strange, but every evening the sky was cleared and show was held in the beautiful weather and without a single drop. Only the last show day sky clouded over and started to rain right at the show. The organizers managed the situation perfectly. Moderator was amazing and aroused angry exhibitors to dance. Thus began the great "Discoparty" in the rain, great music with great presenter. Almost all exhibitors ran to rings and enjoyed the dancing around whole exhibition ground.

The rain finally stopped and the organizers had full hands of get away merry exhibitors from the exhibition area and the show could begin. It's unbelievable, but the whole exhibition was held out of two short break in the drought. The exhibition was held at a professional football stadium, a fantastic lawn.. Beautiful rings, excellent lighting, a dedicated space around circles for tents, available electricity, clean everywhere. When we, at four in the morning, packed our tents, a cleaning service with a plastic bag stand next to us and immediately collected from the ground, what was found. We never had a chance to clean up after us, cleaning crew was quick and faster :o) Such a change after the exhibition in Paris. Big thanks belong to organisers for so beautiful and perfectly prepared exhibition. It is also true that there were plenty of wonderful dogs from around the world - even from Japan, Korea, USA, France, Italy, Russia, Poland - the competition was really huge, a high level of showed dogs and a lot of professional handlers. In two days from four days we received the highest titles - BOB and in each day in final competitions our dogs were selected among the top five. De Luxe Bohemia Platina and Excellentissimo Du Gue De L'Adour won in all 4 days and thus they completed conditions for Champion of Croatia ... ..

21/7/2011 National Dogshow Split, judge Suzanne Petik (HU)

Excellentissimo Du Gue De L'Adour – CAC
Focus Bohemia Platina (own.+ handler Lenka Zemkova) – R. CAC
De Luxe Bohemia Platina – CAC

22/7/2011 International Dogshow Split, judge Jadranka Smovjer Selimovic (CRO)

Excellentissimo Du Gue De L'Adour – CAC
Focus Bohemia Platina (own.+ handler Lenka Zemkova) – R. CAC
Parodie Bohemia Platina – Exc. 1
De Luxe Bohemia Platina – CAC, R. CACIB

23/7/2011 National Dogshow Split, judge Kerstin Nilsson (DK)

Excellentissimo Du Gue De L'Adour – CAC
Focus Bohemia Platina (own.+ handler Lenka Zemkova) - CAC
Parodie Bohemia Platina – Exc. 1
De Luxe Bohemia Platina – CAC, BOB!!!

24/7/2011 - International výstava Split, judge Peter Green (USA)

Excellentissimo Du Gue De L'Adour – intermed. – CAC, NEW CHAMPION OF CROATIA!!!
Focus Bohemia Platina (handler Ingrid DedkovA) – CAC, CACIB, BOB !!!!
Parodie Bohemia Platina – intermed. - CAC
De Luxe Bohemia Platina – CAC, R. CACIB, NEW CHAMPION OF CROATIA!!!

Focus Bohemia Platina
Focus Bohemia Platina
Focus Bohemia Platina
Focus Bohemia Platina with Deniska
De Luxe Bohemia Platina
Focus Bohemia Platina De Luxe
Bohemia Platina

De Luxe Bohemia Platina
De Luxe Bohemia Platina
De Luxe Bohemia Platina
De Luxe Bohemia Platina
De Luxe Bohemia Platina
De Luxe Bohemia Platina - BOB
De Luxe Bohemia Platina

rest at night show
dancing in the rain
rest at night show
dancing in the rain hailstorm

fortunately, we enjoyed the sun and sea
fortunately, we enjoyed the sun and sea
fortunately, we enjoyed the sun and sea
in apartment
hailstorm fortunately, we enjoyed the sun and sea in apartment